The Gunpowder Plot Society
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 A History of the Gunpowder Plot
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chatterbox226 Posted - 04/20/2006 : 13:05:55
hello me again!

just another question that i would like answered, im comparing the gunpowder plot with the other main-plots and bye-plots why was the gunpowder plot publicised so much compared to the other two that have never really been mentioned???

thanks for any replies.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chatterbox226 Posted - 04/21/2006 : 04:17:16
thank you that is a great help!

Administrator Posted - 04/21/2006 : 00:05:40
The Bye and Main Plots did not fit into the Anti-Catholic sentiment that the government was projecting. Both of these plots involved Protestants and Puritans.

If you also look at the individuals involved you will notice relatives of Sir Robert Cecil were part of it so it is likely that he would have wanted as little fanfare over the actual plot as possible in case people tried to taint him with the same brush as his relatives.

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