The Gunpowder Plot Society
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 The Gunpowder Plot Society
 A History of the Gunpowder Plot
 Original site of tunnel or hole..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
baptistbibleman Posted - 01/30/2006 : 16:05:44
Hi Guys,

Just a quick question. Whatever became of this tunnel that was supposed to be used to blow up parlament?

I originally read about this all in the book... by David W. Daniels (and printed by Jack T. Chick) called "Did the Catholic Church Give us the Bible?" and I thought it was kinda crazy sounding but sure enough it's true! anyhow... whatdid ever happened to it? is the original hole still there?



1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MDS Posted - 01/30/2006 : 17:07:07
Nobody's sure if the tunnel actually existed. It was certainly never found in the aftermath of the plot. The barrels of gunpowder were actually placed in a store room beneath the House of Lords. Some people believe the idea of the tunnel was invented by the government for propaganda purposes.

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