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 A History of the Gunpowder Plot
 Holt Castle, I worked there!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
daydreameruk Posted - 05/22/2006 : 08:11:49
If anyone wants any info on Holt Castle i will try to fill in gaps etc.

I worked there for a couple of years for the current owners for the wedding and functions etc.
And know my way round it quite well, including the cellar(dungeons)
If i can be of any help or whatever i'm here!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
daydreameruk Posted - 05/22/2006 : 14:47:24
Hi, yeah i do have some pics somewhere, maybe a while finding them tho.
I have to admit i didn't know bout the gunpowder thing while i worked there, i knew bout the domesday book bit.
Administrator Posted - 05/22/2006 : 12:29:05
DayDreamerUK, did you by chance take any pictures there that we can put on the web site? Were there any "stories" around the property regarding the activities that took place there, and is there any evidence remaining of those days?

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