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 A History of the Gunpowder Plot
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United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2006 :  09:52:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

i am completing a project on the gunpowder plot for my A-level history studies. My question is about how much the government knew about the plot before it happpened, how involved the government were in 'helping' the conspiritors to complete the plot in a bid to end faith for catholics in England.

any websites, books, facts, etc. would be loved.

thanks for any help you can give me.



38 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2006 :  23:27:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Firstly I deleted the suplicate posting. Secondly, try reading through the following thread -

I would suggest looking through the bibliography of the web site and seeing if you can get some of the books from a local library (inter-library loan is perhaps the best bet). Antonia Frasers book in particular is good for its bibliography which includes many articles and references to journals and essays that will assist you.

No specific author uses the assumption of the government as the source of the plot although several offer supported speculation.

Francis Edwards in his translation of the Stonyhurst Manuscript writes an interesting case on the possibility that the plotters were indeed "Agent Provocateurs".
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United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2006 :  05:45:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thank you for that, i am now following it through. But since then my teacher has changed my topic and i was wondering what was life like before the gunpowder plot? we have decided the government aided the comspirators but we are wondering was there a threat of Catholics? there appears to be no evidence that rioting was happening in the streets for the government to be concerned where did their paranoid ideas come from?

any help would be great as searching the internet through search engines is just not working.


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38 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2006 :  05:33:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The government's paranoia had developed over many years. During Elizabeth's reign there had been many plots, attempts at assassination, etc, and most of these had been started amongst the Catholic community in response to the harsh recusancy laws that prevented them freely following their religion.

While it is certain that the government helped play up this sense of fear and paranoia, it was a genuine concern based on the laws of the day and the Catholic's aversion to them.
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United Kingdom
11 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2006 :  14:53:17  Show Profile      Reply with Quote
It's also worth noting that there had been several previous plots against James I after he succeeded to the English throne, both of which undoubtedly set alarm bells ringing in the minds of the protestant elite. (If using a search engine, put in the parameters 'Bye plot' and 'Main plot', and you may find more information.)

We should further remember that James himself was a deep paranoid in his own right. Given the violent way both of his parents died as a result of political conspiracies, and indeed the considerable number of plots against him personally throughout his reign north of the border, the paranoia of his whole outlook should come as no surprise. That definitely played a part in shaping his policies.

Another factor, away from paranoia altogether, is just ordinary prejudice; rightly or wrongly, Catholicism was seen, almost by definition, as a form of tyranny i.e. a religious code that kept its followers from thinking for themselves. Never mind what was happening in the real world, most Protestants believed that Catholics were power-hungry by nature, a threat to the 'Liberties of England' (whatever they were). Therefore it stood to reason that hard-line Protestants in the Government would want to encourage hatred of Catholics, regardless of whether the Catholics were actually doing anything.

Having said all that, I've never been convinced at all that factions within the Government set the whole conspiracy up as a propaganda trick. There are some interesting theories out there, but not very persuasive ones.
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