A Historical Perspective - Plots and Rebellions
The turbulent period that engulfed most of the reign of Elizabeth I lasted more than 30 years. The period
saw a great variety of treachery, committed by a broad cross-section of her subjects, but
most were opposed to her religious persuasion. Catholics still saw Elizabeth as the bastard that her
father Henry VIII had effectively disbarred from the right of succession, and therefore saw Mary,
Queen of Scots, grand-daughter to Henry's sister Margaret as the rightful heir to the throne. During
Elizabeth's reign, Mary became a focal point of the rebellious machinations of those who
would depose Elizabeth. Fueled by Elizabeth's strong anti-Catholic legislation and persecution, it
became increasingly evident that as long as Mary lived, she would continue to be seen as the
Catholic figurehead.
Since 1571, and the abortive Ridolfi Plot, English Catholics had courted Spain to aid them in
the overthrow of Elizabeth. The Spanish threat only disappeared in 1604 with the signing of the Treaty of
London, but it had gradually become weaker after Spain received a series of political and
crippling financial setbacks including the defeat of the Armada in 1588, fighting wars on two fronts in the Low
Countries and France, the election of Clement VIII as Pope in 1592 and the death of King Phillip in 1598.
As the troubles in Europe spread quickly through Spain, France, Italy and the Netherlands,
England remained isolated, yet with the uncovering of more and more sedition, and plots
to assassinate Elizabeth, an overwhelming, yet justified, sense of paranoia enveloped
England. By the 1580's, English Catholics had become a small and uncertain minority, and
the country as a whole was becoming increasingly Protestant in temper. The threat in England
therefore was more likely to come from the blade or pistol of a lone assassin or small group
of murderers rather than the uprising of the Catholic community en masse. Killing Elizabeth
would have plunged the country into a succession crisis, a crisis that the Catholic extremists
saw as the opportunity to place Mary on the throne. The development of Walsingham's intricate
spy network can be seen as the ministers and nobility attempting to safeguard their Queen, whose
desperately vulnerable life was the only thing that stood between them and the perils of
civil strife and Spanish and Catholic domination.
This was all the justification they needed to utilise every means at their disposal. If
they had to lure conspirators into the open, lay bait for unsuspecting hot-heads, or craft
their own sedition to achieve their aims, then this is what they did.
Perhaps this paranoia was indeed well-founded. Upon Elizabeth's death in 1603, James
VI of Scotland ascended the English throne, and was immediately embroiled in a plot against
him to put his cousin Arabella Stuart, a Catholic, on the throne. Two years later, James faced
perhaps the most daring plot of all, the Gunpowder Plot. This section provides
details on many of the plots and conspiracies uncovered during the reigns of both
Elizabeth and James.