Index of Persons

2347 individuals, 1020 families from file PLOTTERS.GED
Generated on 03/11/98 at 15:42.

LATIMER, (daughter)  ( - )
LATIMER, Dorothy  ( - APR 1609)
LATIMER, John (Lord Latimer) ( - )
LAWSON, Alice  ( - )
LAWSON, Ralph  ( - )
LE STRANGE, Joan (9th Baroness Strange of Knockyn) (1463 - 20 MAR 1514)
LE STRANGE, John (8th Lord Strange of Knockyn) ( - )
LEE, Elizabeth  ( - )
LEE, Robert  ( - )
LEE, Robert  ( - )
LEGH, Frances  ( - )
LEGH, Jane  ( - )
LEGH, Peter  ( - )
LEIGH, Catherine  ( - BEF 1602)
LEIGH, Elizabeth  ( - )
LEIGH, Elizabeth  ( - )
LEIGH, Thomas  ( - )
LEIGH, Thomas  (ABT 1520 - ABT 1572)
LESTRANGE, Thomas  ( - )
LEVENTHORP, Edward  ( - )

UP (GAGE, Henry - LUCAS, Jane)
BACK (KNOLLYS, Charles - LATHAM, Thomas)

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Database compiled by Douglas Burbury
HTML generated using a customised Perl script on 03/11/98 at 15:42.