Index of Persons

2347 individuals, 1020 families from file PLOTTERS.GED
Generated on 03/11/98 at 15:42.

MARRIOT, Joan  ( - )
MARROW, Catherine  ( - )
MARROW, William  ( - )
MATTHEW, Elizabeth  ( - )
MATTHEW, George  ( - )
MAUDE, Anthony  ( - )
MAULEVERER, Grace  ( - )
MAULEVERER, John  ( - )
MAULIVERER, William  ( - )
MAXSE, Violet Georgina  ( - )
MAXWELL, Diana  (ABT 1623 - 1675)
MAXWELL, George  ( - )
MCCARTHY, Rachel  ( - )
MEINELL, Christopher  ( - )
MERRY, Henry  ( - )
MERVYN, Lucy  ( - )
METCALFE, Thomas  ( - )
MIDDLETON, Peter  ( - )
MILL, Ann  ( - AFT 1630)
MILL, William  ( - )

UP (LUCY, Geoffrey - RUDSTONE, Ursula)
BACK (LUCY, Geoffrey - MARKENFIELD, Thomas)
NEXT (MOHUN, John - MOWBRAY, William)

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Database compiled by Douglas Burbury
HTML generated using a customised Perl script on 03/11/98 at 15:42.