The King's Book - V. Fawkes' Capture
Whereupon it was at last concluded that nothing should be left unsearched in those houses; and yet
for the better colour and stay of rumour, in case nothing were found, it was thought meet, that upon
a pretence of Whyneard’s missing some of the King’s stuff, or hangings, which he had in keeping, all
those rooms should be narrowly ripped for them. And to this purpose, was Sir Thomas Knyvett (a
gentleman of his Majesty’s privy chamber) employed, being a justice of the peace in Westminster, and
one, of whose ancient fidelity both the late Queen and our now Sovereign have had large proof; who,
according to the trust committed unto him, went about the midnight next after, to the Parliament-house,
accompanied with a small number as was fit for that errand; but, before his entry in the house,
finding Thomas Percy’s alleged man standing within the doors, his clothes and boots on, at so dead a
time of the night, he resolved to apprehend him; as he did, and thereafter went forward to the
searching of the house, where, after he had caused to be overturned some of the billets and coals, he
first found one of the small barrels of powder, and afterward all the rest, to the number of
thirty-six barrels, great and small; and, thereafter, searching the fellow, whom he had taken, found
three matches, and all other instruments fit for blowing up the powder, ready upon him; which made him
instantly confess his own guiltiness; declaring also unto him, that, if he had happened to be within
the house, when he took him, as he was immediately before (at the ending of his work), he would not
have failed to have blown him up, house and all.
Thus, after Sir Thomas had caused the wretch to be surely bound, and well guarded by the company he
had brought with him, he himself returned back to the King’s palace, and gave warning of his success
to the Lord Chamberlain, and Earl of Salisbury, who immediately warning the rest of the council that
lay in the house; as soon as they could get themselves ready, came with their fellow counsellors to
the King’s bedchamber, being at that time near four of the clock in the morning. And at the first
entry of the King’s Chamberlain, the Lord Chamberlain, being not any longer able to conceal his joy
for the preventing of so great a danger, told the King in a confused haste that all was found and
discovered, and the traitor in hands and fast bound.