The King's Book - VI. The Examination of Fawkes
Then, order being first taken for sending for the rest of the Council that lay in the town, the
prisoner himself was brought into the house, where in respect of the strangeness of the accident, no
man was stayed from the sight, or speaking with him. And, within a while after, the Council did
examine him; who seeming to put on a Roman resolution, did, both to the Council, and to every other
person that spoke with him that day, appear so constant and settled upon his grounds, as we all
thought we had found some new Mutius Scaevola born in England. For, notwithstanding the horror of the
fact, the guilt of his conscience, his sudden surprizing, the terror which should have been struck in
him, by coming into the presence of so grave a Council, and the restless and confused questions, that
every man all that day did vex him with; yet was his countenance so far from being dejected, as he
often smiled in scornful manner, not only avowing the fact, but repenting only with the said Scaevola,
his failing in the execution thereof, whereof he said the devil, and not God, was the discoverer;
answering quickly to every man’s objection, scoffing at any idle questions which were propounded unto
him, and jesting with such as he though had no authority to examine him. All that day could the
Council get nothing out of him, touching his accomplices, refusing to answer to any such questions
which he thought might discover the plot, and laying all the blame upon himself; whereunto, he said,
he was moved, only for religion and conscience sake, denying the King to be his lawful sovereign, or
the Annointed of God, in respect he was an heretic, and giving himself no other name than John
Johnson, servant to Thomas Percy. But the next morning being carried to the Tower, he did not there
remain above two or three days, being twice or thrice, in that space, reexamined, and the rack only
offered and shewed to him, when the mark of his Roman fortitude did visibly begin to wear and slide
off his face; and then did he begin to confess part of the truth, and thereafter, to open the whole