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Gunpowder Plot Book

SP14/216/127 - Declaration of Robert Keyes (extraction from #126 30 November 1605

B. This examinate saith, that he desired that the Lord Mordant might be warned.

F.G. He saith that Catesby spoke of the proclamation that should be made after the Act donne in Princess Elizabeth's name. And wished that the nobles that were catholiques might be preserved.

F. And saith that their hopes were that when the Act was donne that all the catholiques and discontented persons would take their parte and proclaime the Lady Elizabeth being next heire.

K. And confesseth that Ambrose Rookwood at my Lord Mordant's house tould this examinate that he knew that this examinate was acquainted with the project of powder, albiyt this examinate knew not him to be one. But then Rookwood imparted to him that he was acquainted with yt, and this was about a moneth before the 4th of November last. And after when Rookwood came to his lodging in the Strand asked this examinate how the project went forward, to whim this examinate answered very well. And confesseth that Ambrose Rookwood about half a yeere since bought 4 barrels of powder and he and Christopher Wright brought them to Lambeth and [__] them them to this examinate's lodging, whereafter were conveyed into the cellar.

M. And confesseth that upon the [__] death Ambrose Rookwood sent three [__] horses to the Lord Mordant's house at Draiton for feare they should be taken from him, and when a forte night after Mr. Rookwood cam over and tooke them awaye againe.

Robert Keyes

[Endorsed] Nottingham, E Worcester, Devonshire, H. Northampton, Salisbury
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