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Primary Source material relating to the Examinations, Interrogations, Confessions and Declarations of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, and their associates. SP14/216 is taken directly from the Gunpowder Plot Book

[1] - Confessions and Declarations of Guy Fawkes

  SP14/216/6 - Examination of John Johnson, 5 November 1605

  SP14/216/17 - Examination of John Johnsonne, 6 November 1605

  SP14/216/18 - Interrogatories of James I for John Johnson, 6 November 1605

  SP14/216/19 - Examination of John Johnson in response to Interrogatories, 6 November 1605

  SP14/216/37 - Examination of Guye Fawkes , 7 November 1605

  SP14/216/38 - Examination of Guye Fawkes (copy of SP14/216/37), 7 November 1605 - This is a more legible copy of the previous document

  SP14/216/49 - Examination of Guy Fawkes, 8 November 1605

  SP14/216/50 - Deposition of Guydo Fawkes (copy of SP14/216/101), 8 or 17 November 1605

  SP14/216/100 - Declaration of Guydo Fawkes, 16 November 1605

  SP14/216/163 - Examination of Guido Fauke, 9 January 1606

  SP14/216/175 - Declaration of Guido Faukes, 20 January 1606

  SP14/216/180 - Declaration of Guido Fauke, 25 January 1606

[2] - Confessions and Declarations of Thomas Wintour

  SP14/216/114 - Declaration of Thomas Wintour, 23 November 1605

  SP14/216/116 - Examination of Thomas Wintour, 25 November 1605

  SP14/216/117 - Declaration of Thomas Wintour, 25 November 1605

  SP14/216/146 - Examination of Thomas Wintour, 5 December 1605

  SP14/216/164 - Examination of Thomas Wintour, 9 January 1606

  SP14/216/170 - Declaration of Thomas Wynter, 17 January 1606

[3] - Confessions and Declarations of Robert Wintour

  SP14/216/168 - Examination of Robert Wynter, 17 January 1606

  SP14/216/169 - Examination of Robert Wynter, 17 January 1606

  SP14/216/176 - Declaration of Robert Wintour, 20 January 1606

[4] - Confessions and Declarations of Francis Tresham

  SP14/216/124 - Examination of Francis Tresame, 29 November 1605

  SP14/216/152 - Examination of Francis Tresame, 10 December 1605

  SP14/216/211 - Deathbed Recantation of Francis Tresame, 24 March 1606 - This is dated when the document came to light and was entered into the government records. Tresham was already officially dead by this time.

[5] - Confessions and Declarations of Ambrose Rookwood

  SP14/216/136 - Declaration of Ambrose Rookewoode, 2 December 1605

  SP14/216/171 - Declaration of Ambrose Rookewood, 17 January 1606

  SP14/216/177 - Voluntary Declaration of Ambrose Rookewood, 21 January 1606

[6] - Confessions and Declarations of Thomas Bate

  SP14/216/145 - Examination of Thomas Bate, 4 December 1605

  SP14/216/166 - Examination of Thomas Bate, 13 January 1606

  SP14/216/167 - Examination of Thomas Bate (Copy of SP14/216/166), 13 January 1606

[7] - Confessions and Declarations of Sir Everard Digby

  SP14/216/135 - Examination of Sir Everard Digby, 2 December 1605

[8] - Confessions and Declarations of Robert Keyes

  SP14/216/126 - Declaration of Robert Keyes, 30 November 1605

  SP14/216/127 - Declaration of Robert Keyes (extracts from SP14/216/126, 30 November 1605

[9] - Confessions and Declarations of John Wintour

  SP14/216/109 - Confession of John Wintour, 22 November 1605


All material copyright© The Gunpowder Plot Society