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 A History of the Gunpowder Plot
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meandering weasel

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Posted - 02/24/2006 :  12:57:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi. I came across this site, because I'm writing a research paper about The Gunpowder Plot for English class. The paper needs to be at least 7 double spaced pages, and I also need to have at least 6 sources(most of which should not be Internet sources).

No, I'm not asking you guys to write a paper for me. I've been looking around the site and I find it very interesting and useful. However, I need some other sources. I've looked at the very nice Library section of the site, but I was wondering what sources you guys think would be the most useful for my paper. I've got access to multiple bookstores and a few libraries.

Thanks for any suggestions you give me. If you have any questions for me(as in more details about the sort of things I want to include in the paper), ask away. I'll probably check back on here every day for a little while. Thanks again.


49 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2006 :  10:44:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The main, or most reputable sources on the Gunpowder Plot (in no particular order) are:

Durst, Paul - Intended Treason - What really happened in the Gunpowder Plot,W.H.Allen, London 1970

Edwards, Francis - The Gunpowder Plot. The Narrative of Oswald Tesimond alias Greenaway, The Folio Society, London 1973

Fraser, Antonia - Faith and Treason. The Story of the Gunpowder Plot, Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, New York 1996

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson - What Gunpowder Plot Was, Longmans, Green & Co., London 1897

Gerard, John - What Was the Gunpowder Plot? The traditional story tested by original evidence., Osgood, McIlvaie & Co., London 1897

Gerard, John - The Gunpowder Plot and the Gunpowder Plotters, in reply to Professor Gardiner, Harper & Bros., London 1897

Nicholls, Mark - Investigating Gunpowder Plot, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1991

Most of these should be available from a good library or fairly cheaply via Ebay. Each of course has its own angle. Nicholl's is perhaps the most balanced, Fraser, Gerard and Edwards are all pro-Jesuit.

Few give serious credence to the government conspiracy theory if that is what you are after, although some do cover it. If that is your primary focus you should try and get a copy of:

Haynes, Alan - The Gunpowder Plot: Faith in Rebellion, Alan Sutton Publishing, Stroud 1994

which I understand has recently been reprinted in conjunction with the 400th anniversary.
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meandering weasel

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Posted - 02/27/2006 :  12:52:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thanks a lot. I've checked my school library and they don't have any of those books, but I didn't really expect them to(this library is horrid). I'll probably make it over to the bookstores in the next few days. thanks again. if I have any more questions, I'll be sure to come back.
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