Gunpowder Plot Book
SP14/216/145 - Examination of Thomas Bate 4 December 1605
He confesseth that about this time twelvemonth his master asked this said examinate whether he could
procure him a lodging nere the J Grant house, whereupon he went to seek some such lodging and dealt
with a Baker that had a Roome [___] to the parlament house, but the Baker answered that he could not
spare yt.
After that (some fortnight or thereabouts as he thinketh) his master [_____] as yt seemed, that
this examinate suspected somewhat of that which he the said Catesby went about, called him to him
at Pudle Wharffe in the house of one Powell (in here Catesby had taken a lodging) and in the
presence of Thomas Winter, asked him what he thought, what business they went about, and this
examinate answered that he thought they went about some dangerous business, whereupon they asked
him againe what he thought the business might be. And he answered that he thought they intended
some dangerous matter about the parlament house, because he had ben sent to gett a lodging nere
that house.
Thereupon they made this examinate take an oath to be secret in the busines, which being taken by
him, they told him that yt was true, that they ment to doe somewhat about the parlament house;
namely lay powder under yt to blowe yt up.
Then they told him, that he was to receive the Sacrament for the more assurance, and he thereupon
went to confession to a priest named Greneway, and in confession told Greneway that he was to
conceale a very dangerous project of work. That his master Catesby and Thomas Winter had imported
unto him, and that he being fearfull of yt, asked the comunall of Greneway, telling the said
Greneway (which he was not desirous to hear) their particular intent and purpose of blowing up the
parlament house, and Greneway the priest thereto said, that he would take no notice thereof but
that he the said examinate should be secret in that which his master had imported unto him, because
it was for a good cause, and that he willed this examinate to tell no other priest of yt. Saying
moreover that yt was not dangerous unto him, nor any offense to conceale yt, and thereupon the said
priest Greneway gave this examinate absolution. And he received the sacrament in the company of his
master Robert Catesby and Thomas Winter,
Being asked when he last sawe Robert Winter he answereth that he last time he sawe him was at
Holbech where he was present when the powder was sett on fier, and blasted his master, whereupon
he saith that John Wright [___] to Catesby, took him by the winder and sayd were worth the time
that was [___] sooner this day, and called for the rest of the powder, saying that he would have
that also fired, that they might all together be blown up with the powder there. But this examinate
seeing them in amazement, and fearing that they wold be so[?] with the rest of the powder : gott
frith, took his horse and road away.
He saith moreover that they were in consultacion to send unto Mr. Talbot of Grafton to move him
to joining them, and to goe unto him were named and appointed Sir Everard Digby, Stephen Littleton
and Thomas Winter, but Sir Everard Digby when he was going, was stayed by the company and Stephen
Littleton and Thomas Winter only went.
He saith also that they moved Robert Winter to goe, but he answered that he would not goe desiring
to be excused for refusing because he was in hope that Mr. Talbott would be good to his wief and
Being asked whether he went when he road from Holbech he answereth that he rode that night into
Shropshire to the house of a cosen of his names Richard Bate dwelling at Oldfeild. And when he
had made his said cosen acquainted with the busines wherein he had ben, his cosin lodged him
there that night, but went to Sir Robert Needham (dwelling nearby,) and tould him of yt, whereupon
Sir [___] Needham cam the next morning to Oldfeild, and apprehended him and comytted him to
Shrewsbury Gaole where he remayned till he was brought up to the Lords of the Councill.
Being asked whether he had acquainted any other priest with the conspiracy, he saith no. But
saith that he confessed him self to an other priest named [___] at Huddington Robert Winters
house, but that was only for his Synnes, and not for any other particular cause.
He saith moreover that he heard his master, and Thomas Winter and Guy Fawkes say (personlly
uppon the coming over of Fawkes) that they should have the summe of five and twenty thousand
pounds out of Spaine.
Thomas Bate
Nottingham, Suffolk, E Worcester, H Northampton, Salisbury, Marr, Dunnbarr